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Raphaella now has a working studio on the 2nd floor of Trackside Studios, 375 Depot St in Asheville's River Arts District.
For hours, classes, and more information about the many artists represented at Trackside, click here: TracksideStudios.com

Raphaella's Heartful Art Gallery on the ground floor of Riverview Station was completely destroyed
in the flood waters of Hurricane Helene on September 27, 2024.
If you're able, please continue to support Raphaella's recovery with online purchases and/or donations

 Go Fund Me: Hurricane Helene Relief
WEBSTORE: SHOP ONLINE at heartfulart.com
Call for appointment to visit Raphaella's home studio 941-993-7001

Mailing Address:
413 Asheville Spring Circle, Asheville, NC 28806
Click here to go shopping at heartfulart.com

You may have visited Raphaella's Heartful Art Gallery on Princess Street in Sausalito, CA 2001-2006

This work is Copyright 1981-2025 by Raphaella Vaisseau
It may not be reproduced in total or in part without her express written permission.

Webmaster: web-rv@heartfulart.com