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911 Memorial Prayer, 2002
by Raphaella Vaisseau

For the Highest Good,
I ask that the Light of Christ
surround and fill all living things;
that the Holy Spirit bless each
one of us and all concerned with
the events of September 11, 2001.
I ask for this Holy Light
to extend to the Souls of those who
have passed over to the other side;
that God's Love may bless them
on all levels and assist them in
assisting their loved ones here on Earth.
I ask further for the strength to accept
Thy will is done in all things, even this,
and I pray we all grow in greater
understanding and forgiveness.
I ask in the name of God
for a blessing of joy within our hearts,
that we may experience Heaven on Earth
and know the peace
that passes understanding.
Thy Will be Done.

Raphaella Vaisseau, 9-11-2002

Universal Love, by Raphaella Vaisseau
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